
Daily themes for National Apprenticeship Week

Skills Funding Agency

March 4
15:38 2015

During National Apprenticeship Week (9 to 13 March 2015) we will focus on a different theme each day to show the wide range of apprenticeships on offer and the positive impact that they have on businesses and individuals.

  • Monday marks the launch of the week and well be showing how apprenticeships are going from strength to strength
  • on Tuesday well be focusing on small businesses and how they can benefit from taking on apprentices
  • on Wednesday well be highlighting traineeships and access to professions
  • on Thursday higher apprenticeships
  • and on Friday there will be a focus on local and regional events and stories

There will be lots going on throughout the week as activities will be held all over the country see our live events map to see what is happening in your area. In addition, Ministers and senior government officials will be out and about throughout the week taking part in events, visiting businesses, and talking to apprentices.

The objective of National Apprenticeship Week 2015 is to increase awareness and take-up of apprenticeships and traineeships and the overarching theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2015 is a challenge to us all to think about how much we really know about apprenticeships.

Find out more and encourage key partners to download toolkits and get involved in National Apprenticeship Week 2015.

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