Valuation Office Agency
This addresses Colleges of Further Education, Sixth Form Colleges, University Technical Colleges, and Police Training Colleges with accommodation and facilities similar to that of a college of further education
1.1 General
The term further education covers all types of post-school education apart from that given in universities and Colleges of Higher Education. It includes sixth form colleges and tertiary colleges (ages 16 - 19). Further Education (FE) Colleges in England and Wales are separately incorporated from Local Education Authorities (LEAs) and local government. Funding in England is provided via the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and is based on several student roll related formulae. Colleges in Wales receive a settlement from the Welsh Government.
1.2 University Technical Colleges (UTCs):
UTCs are colleges for students aged 14 to 19 which specialise in technical studies and are sponsored by a university. They offer full time courses which combine practical and academic studies. Although technically outside the Further Education sector, the valuation advice contained in this section and the associated Practice Notes provides appropriate valuation guidance.