
Colleges of further education

Valuation Office Agency

September 2
14:04 2024

This addresses Colleges of Further Education, Sixth Form Colleges, University Technical Colleges, and Police Training Colleges with accommodation and facilities similar to that of a college of further education

1.1 General

The term further education covers all types of post-school education apart from that given in universities and Colleges of Higher Education. It includes sixth form colleges and tertiary colleges (ages 16 - 19). Further Education (FE) Colleges in England and Wales are separately incorporated from Local Education Authorities (LEAs) and local government. Funding in England is provided via the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and is based on several student roll related formulae. Colleges in Wales receive a settlement from the Welsh Government.

1.2 University Technical Colleges (UTCs):

UTCs are colleges for students aged 14 to 19 which specialise in technical studies and are sponsored by a university. They offer full time courses which combine practical and academic studies. Although technically outside the Further Education sector, the valuation advice contained in this section and the associated Practice Notes provides appropriate valuation guidance.

2. List description and special category code

2.1 List Description: College and Premises

2.2 Special Category Code065 should be adopted for FE Colleges. Suffix: G/S

2.3 Special Category code 428. Suffix: S should be adopted for Police Training Colleges

This is a split class and suffix G or S should be used. The size of thehereditamentand its complexity will determine the G or S classification and liaison should take with the Non-Domestic Rating UnitValuers to agree which is the most appropriate.

3. Responsible teams

Each individual Unit is responsible for the valuation and assessment of colleges of further education.

4. Co ordination

NVU Civic Team has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of this class. The Education 2 Class Coordination Team (CCT) are responsible for the approach to and accuracy and consistency of valuations. The CCT will deliver Practice Notes describing the valuation basis for revaluation and provide advice as necessary during the life of the rating lists. Caseworkers have a responsibility to:

  • Follow the advice given at all times.
  • Not depart from the guidance given on appeals or maintenance work without approval from the co-ordination team.
  • Seek advice from the co-ordination team should any issues arise that are not covered in this instruction.

5.1 Replacement Costs

In estimating replacement costs regard should be had to costs appropriate to provide suitable replacement buildings of an acceptable standard. The building to be costed in Stage 1 of the contractors best is not necessarily an exactly similar structure. A more simple modern substitute may be acceptable, perhaps more appropriate for the occupiers needs. It is however emphasised that each case turns on the requirements of the occupier, and in determining whether a similar building or a simpler substitute would be required, it is necessary to examine all the requirements of the occupier, functional and aesthetic, as they existed at the antecedent valuation date.

5.2 Site Value

In their decision in the Cambridge Colleges case (Downing College & Others v Cambridge CC and Alsop (VO) 1968 RA 603) the Lands Tribunal thought that college land should be valued in the light of residential values even where situated on the opposite side of the road to a commercial frontage. Some colleges of further education, particularly in London, could fulfil their particular function satisfactorily if situated on a less valuable site provided that adequate transport facilities were available. The object should be to assess the cost of a site which would enable the college to function equally well.

In all of the appeal cases concerning colleges or other educational establishments where the contractors basis has been used, undeveloped areas (primarily unencumbered by buildings) e.g. sports fields, amenity land etc. have been valued at much lower figures than residential development land values, often by comparison with similar properties valued separately in the locality.

6. Survey requirements

Colleges should be measured to Gross Internal Area (GIA) as defined in the VOA Code of Measuring Practice where the contractors basis is to be applied, and to Net Internal Area (NIA) where a rental comparison valuation method is to be used (see Basis of Valuation below).Therefore guidance on the measurements to be taken should be obtained from the valuation case ownerbeforeinspection.
Surveys should record the use of all space. Where areas are unused, enquiry should be made and noted as to their use in the future, or otherwise.

Sports facilities open to members of the public should be noted, if possible, gaining details as to the management arrangements and hours of public access. Refer such instances to an NVU specialist for advice on the unit of assessment.

7. Survey capture

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