
Farm shops

Valuation Office Agency

June 6
15:51 2024

1.1 This section deals with Farm Shops.

1.2 It does not deal in detail with Farm Diversification. This is covered in Rating Manual: Section 5a: Valuation of all property classes: Farm Diversification.

1.3It does not deal in detail with Agricultural Exemption. This is covered in Rating ManualSection 2 Valuation principles Part 6 Exemptions - PartD:Agricultural Exemption and Rating Manual Section2 Valuation principles Part 6 Exemptions - PartD:Agricultural Exemption Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.

2. List Description and Special Category Code

2.1 Farm Shops

  • Bulk Class: Shop
  • Primary Description CS
  • List Description Shop and Premises
  • SCAT code: 098 suffix G

3. Responsible Teams

3.1 General

Valuations for Farm Shops are a generalist class.

4. Co-ordination

4.1The Retail 2 and 3 Class Co-ordination Team has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of this class. The team are responsible for overseeing the approach to this class of property. Caseworkers have a responsibility to:

  • follow the advice given at all times - practice notes are mandatory

  • not depart from the guidance given on appeals or maintenance work, without approval from the class coordination team

5.1 There is no specific legal framework in relation to this class of property. The links above will direct case workers to the appropriate sections of the rating manual that provide the legal background to agricultural exemption and farm diversification. Exemption provisions may apply see Rating ManualSection 2 Valuation principles Part 6 Exemptions - PartD:Agricultural Exemption

6. Survey Requirements

6.1 All farm shops, vineyard shops and winery shops should be investigated and inspected before assessments are altered or brought into rating lists. The facts must be ascertained before altering or making new assessments.

6.2 The following information should always be recorded at an inspection:

  • the premises should be measured to NIA and the site must be clearly defined on a plan
  • details of all types of use taking place at the premises and the extent of area of each use
  • photographs of each type of use are mandatory
  • details of opening hours to be noted

7. Survey Capture

7.1 Rating surveys should be captured on the Rating Support Application (RSA). Plans and surveys should be stored in the property folder of Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRM). Photographs should be placed on RSA.

8. Valuation Approach

8.1The rental comparison method is the primary method adopted in this class of property. Valuation schemes should be local and underpinned with evidence from the locality.

8.2The following factors should be considered when valuing this class of property:

  • location
  • characteristics of buildings, age, size, construction purpose built or former agricultural buildings
  • car parking
  • planning permission and use of premises
  • catchment area and demographics
  • opening times
  • competition

8.3Where the car parking is part of the

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