
Hypermarkets and superstores

Valuation Office Agency

August 19
10:44 2024

1.1This istruction applies to hypermarkets and superstores (SCAT code 139) over 2,500m gross internal area (GIA) and valued overall. Such stores will usually be occupied by national food retailers. There will usually be on-site parking although this may be controlled by others.


1.2.1There is not a single standard set of definitions in general use to describe these retail outlets. As a guide a Hypermarket is simply a large Superstore. It is normally situated outside traditional shopping centres, but can often be co-located with other retail units in out-of-town retails parks. It would generally exceed 10,000m GIA and offer a wider range of food, household and non-food goods (such as clothing and domestic electrical goods). It offers extensive, and generally free, car parking.

1.2.2 Superstore means a retail unit which has the characteristics of a hypermarket but with the sales offer increasingly concentrated towards food and household items as floor space reduces. It describes units between 2,500m and 10,000m. Co-ordination needs to be undertaken at the interface between large food stores and superstores.

1.2.3 Large Food Store (SCAT code 152) is a retail unit which has the characteristics of a superstore but has a GIA generally in excess of 750m but less than 2,500m. It offers a limited range of food and household items. See section 520B of the Rating Manual. Co-ordination needs to be undertaken at the interface between large food stores and superstores.

2. List description and special category code

Bulk class: shop

Primary description code: CS9

List description: superstore and premises

SCAT code: 139

Suffix S (Specialist)

Where there are separate assessments within the superstore they should be scat coded as follows and valued in accordance with the Superstores Practice Note Appendix 2 - Superstore Separate Let Out Guidance. Although separate let outs are all Generalist classes any variations or allowances from the Superstore Separate Let Out Guidance see Appendix 2 Practice Note 2021 must be agreed by member of Retail 1 CCT.

3. Responsible teams

3.1Hypermarkets and Superstores are a Specialist class

3.2 Responsibility for inspection, survey and valuation rests with referencers and caseworkers with specialist training and knowledge in this class within National Valuation Unit NVU.

4. Co-ordination

4.1The Retail 1 Food and General Retail CCT has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of this class. The CCT are responsible for the approach to and accuracy and consistency of valuations. The CCT will deliver Practice Notes describing the valuation basis for revaluation and provide advice as necessary during the life of the rating lists. Caseworkers have a responsibility to:

Follow the advice given at all times - practice notes are mandatory. Not depart from the guidance given on appeals or maintenance work, without approval from the CCT.

4.2Co-ordination with upper margin of Large Food Stores (SCAT 152) (750m to 2,500m) is required.

5.1There is no specific legal framework for this class.

6. Survey requirements

6.1Inspections should be carried out in accordance with the Valuation Office Agency Code of Practice.

6.2Superstores are measured to Gross Internal Area (GIA). It is mandatory that hypermarkets and superstores are referenced in accordance with the Superstores Referencing Guide see Supertstore PN Appendix 1

6.3It is mandatory that the Superstore Inspection Check Sheet at Appendix 1 of this section is completed for all new properties and maintenance work. Photographs MUST be taken of all building elements and stored in the property folder of the Electronic Document Records Management (EDRM) system.

6.4 Issues around quantum concerning superstores have been discussed with ratepayer representatives. Stores with a Total Area from within the main envelope of the building in excess of 5,500 m will valued as follows:

First 5500m TFA scale factor 100%

Next 2500mSZE scale factor 66%

Next 600m SZF Scale factor 33%

Remainder SZR Scale factor 10%

6.5Unit of Assessment

On inspection it is first necessary to consider the Unit of Assessment. Occupations by third parties may meet the criteria for a separate assessment, provided they meet the four tenets of ratable occupation. Such let outs need to be considered on a case by case basis and in accordance with Appendix 2 of the Superstore PN Superstore Separate Let Out Guidance.

7. Survey capture

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