List description: health and fitness club and premises
Scat code:260 (wet and dry) - suffix (S) Specialist
Scat code:259 (dry only) - suffix (S) Specialist
For dry only (S) is only applicable where theRateable Value exceeds 75,000 (outside London) or 150,000 (within) unless the operator is part of a corporate chain, or a national franchise chain.
List description: gymnasium/fitness centre and premises
Scat code:416 - suffix (G)
For smaller local dry only gyms below the above Rateable Value limits and not part of a corporate chain or national franchise chain.
List description: Leisure Centre and Premises
Scat code:503 - suffix (S/G)
When within/part of Specialist Property (Dry only)
Leisure facilities situated within residential or retirement villages / developments, where there is use by the general public. To be domestic it needs to be wholly used for the purposes of living accommodation. Other (G) class properties include squash clubs and yoga studios these follow the PN aligning to it.
List description: Health and Fitness Club and Premises
Scat code:509 - suffix (S)
When within/part of Specialist Property (Wet and Dry only)
Leisure facilities situated within/part of a specialist property that contain wet and dry facilities.
List description: Health and Fitness Club and Premises