
Consultation outcome: National Residues Control Programme: revision of charges

Veterinary Medicines Directorate

August 27
13:42 2024

We received 7 responses to this consultation. Whilst the number of responses received represents 1% of total participants in the scheme, the high-quality feedback received will form part of policy discussions about the future charging arrangements for the National Residues Control Programme (NRCP).

The VMD will continue to actively seek views and engage with participants to better understand sector-specific issues.

We strongly encourage stakeholders to continue the conversation by contacting the VMD Residues Team at

Original consultation


We are seeking views on proposals to revise the charges paid by businesses in the National Residues Control Programme (NRCP).

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

A joint consultation by the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments about the need to raise charges in order to recover the full costs of providing the NRCP.These charges have not been amended since 2011 and now need to be adjusted to cover the rising costs of delivering this important scheme.

We are seeking views about:

  • our proposed approach to setting the new charges
  • how these changes will affect participants in the NRCP

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