
Published response to the public consultation on residues surveillance charges

Veterinary Medicines Directorate

August 28
07:50 2024

In January 2024, the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments published a joint consultation to revise the charges paid by participants in the National Residues Control Programme. This is to ensure that the UK, Scottish and Welsh Government can continue to recover the full costs of delivering this important industry-funded programme, which helps to provide assurances about food safety and supports UK food exports worth billions to the economy.

Detail of outcome

We received 7 responses through Citizen Space. These are published on National Residues Control Programme: revision of charges - GOV.UK (

Following careful consideration of responses and taking into account government objectives to ensure the sustainability of the National Residues Control Programme (NRCP), the UK government, the Scottish Government and Welsh Government have agreed to increase charges on the 1 October 2024 and on the 1 April 2025.

This will allow us to return the NRCP to full cost recovery while we consider future charging options and methodologies. It is our intention to continue to monitor the operation of the scheme and to bring forward a further public consultation if other changes are required.

The new charges will be set out in Schedule 1 of The Charges for Residues Surveillance (Amendment) (

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