Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The governments of France, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States commend the members of the [Libyan] Council of Representatives for beginning their work today. The convening of the council is an important step towards putting Libyas democratic transition back on track and helping restore law and order to the country. We call on the Council to be inclusive and fully representative in its work going forward. We commend the determination of the Libyan people to ensure that democratic governance and rule of law form the bedrock of their countrys future, as reflected in the recent successful holding of parliamentary elections. We welcome the efforts of the Constitutional Drafting Assembly and encourage it to pursue its work towards the drafting of a document that will enshrine and protect the rights of all Libyans. The international community stands firmly behind the Libyan people, supports the democratically-elected institutions of Libya, and will continue to partner Libya until the hopes and aspirations of the Libyan people are achieved. To this end, we strongly condemn the ongoing violence across the country, including in Tripoli and Benghazi, which jeopardizes the continuation of a peaceful transition and severely affects the life of the Libyan people. We call upon all parties to adopt an immediate ceasefire, to begin a peaceful political dialogue, supported by the United Nations, and to recognize the authority of the elected representatives of the Libyan people in building a prosperous and stable country for all Libyans.
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