Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States welcome the Libyan Presidency Councils February 14 announcement of a Government of National Accord Cabinet. We take note of the spirit of openness and reconciliation embodied in this Cabinet. It is not easy to choose the path of reconciliation, but addressing Libyas humanitarian, economic, and security crises requires great courage.
Finalizing the Government of National Accord is an essential step toward providing the Libyan people the opportunity to rebuild their country and counter the threat posed by Daesh to their common future. We stand ready to provide full support to the Libyan people and the Government of National Accord as they continue the hard work of restoring unity and stability.
Members of the House of Representatives now face a solemn responsibility. We urge the HoR to endorse the list of Government of National Accord Cabinet members in its entirety as foreseen in the Libyan Political Agreement. ?The path of reconciliation and the formation of the full GNA offer a positive way forward for the Libyan people. We will stand with those who choose this path forward. ?By contrast, continued division will benefit only Daesh and the other extremist groups that want to tear Libya apart.
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