
Guidance: Treaty Rights passport applications: supporting documents

Hm Passport Office

June 30
14:32 2023


This document contains a checklist for anyone applying for a British passport who:

  • was born in the UK between 1 January 1983 and 30 June 2021
  • has a parent who is a European Economic Area (EEA) national
  • has never held a British passport
  • has not been naturalised or registered as a British national
Published 19 May 2014
Last updated 30 June 2023 +show all updates
  1. This guidance has been updated to remove references to applications being on hold for customers born to EEA parents between 1 January 1983 and 1 October 2000.

  2. Updated page title to "Treaty Rights passport applications: supporting documents".

  3. While the Home Office assesses recently identified legal issues, HM Passport Office has suspended applications for a first British passport from persons born in the UK between January 1983 and October 2000 to EEA parents.

  4. Added accessible version of the guidance.

  5. Updated guidance to specify that it relates to those who were born in the UK between 1 January 1983 and 30 June 2021 to parent(s) from the EEA.

  6. First published.

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