Valuation Office Agency
1.1 This instruction applies to large food stores (scat code 152) 750m to 2,500m gross internal area and valued overall.
1.1 This instruction applies to large food stores (scat code 152) 750m to 2,500m gross internal area and valued overall.
Bulk class: shop
List descriptions: food court and premises, outlet at food court, kiosk
Primary description: CR
SCat code:104
Suffix: S (Specialist) Food Courts in a single assessment falling within the definition outlined in paragraphs 1.3.1(a) and 1.3.1(b) above.
SCat code:760
Suffix: G (Generalist) Food Court Kiosks falling within paragraph 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 above.
3.1 Large food stores are a specialist class.
4.1 The Retail 1 Food and General Retail CCT has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of this class. The CCT are responsible for the approach to and accuracy and consistency of valuations. The CCT will deliver Practice Notes describing the valuation basis for revaluation and provide advice as necessary during the life of the rating lists. Caseworkers have a responsibility to:
4.2 Follow the advice given at all times - Practice Notes are mandatory. Not to depart from the guidance given on check challenge appeals or maintenance work, without approval from the CCT
5.1 There is no specific legal framework for this class.
6.1 Inspections should be carried out in accordance with the Valuation Office Agency Code of Practice.
6.2 Large food stores are measured to Gross Internal Area (GIA)
6.3 An inspection checklist is appended to this section at Appendix 1. It should be completed for all new properties and updated for maintenance work and stored in the property folder of the Electronic Document Records Management (EDRM) system.
6.4 The majority of properties in this category have only ground floor accommodation. Where a property has more than one floor, each floor must be recorded separately and the appropriate accommodation use codes (AUC) recorded. The Referencing Guide Contained in Appendix 1 of the Large Stores Practice Note must be followed. The Valuation Scale used for this type of property is VXSHYPERV1. It is used to value superstores as well as large food stores.
7.1 Rating surveys should be captured on the Rating Support Application (RSA) and plans and surveys stored in the property folder of the Electronic Document Records Management (EDRM) system.
8.1 The rental method of valuation is the basis for this class of property. When considering rental evidence it is imperative to understand all the factors which may influence the evidence including location, level of competition, physical attributes of the store and how those factors compare, positively or negatively, to other stores, thereby arriving at the correct valuation approach. Rents are analysed to an overall rate per m.
8.2 There are several sources of rental evidence new lettings, rent reviews will be common and to a lesser extent sale and leaseback transactions. It will be important to assess the reliability of each rent. Indexed rent reviews are becoming more common in this class of property and therefore may not be an accurate indication of open market rental value.
8.3 Properties in this class are valued on an overall rate per m with no end allowance for size
8.4 Large food stores cannot be valued in isolation. Close coordination at the upper size range of this Class is needed to ensure consistency with the lower size range of the Superstores Class (SCAT code 139, over 2,500m GIA).
8.6 Material Change of Circumstances (MCC)
8.6.1 An MCC appeal arising from a claim that the trade of an existing large food store has been affecte