
Statistics: Valuation Office Agency – Statistics at VOA

Valuation Office Agency

August 2
08:56 2024

This page contains statistics published by the VOA since November 2014. We have grouped our official statistics into 2 topics:

You can find VOA statistics published before November 2014 on theNational Archive website.

Forthcoming publications and announcements

Publication dates for VOAs statistical outputs are pre-announced on the release calendar. An annual publication plan can also be found on the announcements page.

As part of theCode of Practice for Official Statistics, any changes to the schedule, including unscheduled revisions or ad hoc releases will be detailed on theannouncements page.

Recent publications

This list shows the latest release of each of our official statistics.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has been responsible for publishing official statistics on theprivate rental market since October 2019.

Prior to October 2019 VOA published private rental market statistics for England only, which can be accessed on thePrivate rental market statisticspage.

Ad hoc statistics releases

Publications made by the VOA that arent official statistics are released as ad hoc statistics. This includes:

  • supplementary datasets related to our official statistics
  • data in support of VOAs operational reporting

Some statistics may also be published on the FOI disclosure log where they are requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and are judged to be of wider public interest with respect to official statistics.

Search VOA statistics

You cansearch VOA statisticsby keyword and date of publication.

Corporate procedures and standards

We follow theUK Statistics Authoritys Code of Practice for official statisticswhen producing our Official Statistics. Further, to improve confidence in our statistics, we have engaged with the Best Practice and Impact Division of the Office for National Statistics to modernise our official statistics products and processes. Following the completion of this work, the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) carried out a compliance check of our Council Tax statistics. The OSR published its report, Compliance Check of Valuation Office Agency (VOA) Council Tax statistics, on 20 March 2024.

VOA publishes the following policy statements:

Additional resources

Below are additional resources relating to non-domestic rating, Council Tax and the private rental market:

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Welsh Government

Scottish Government

Scottish Assessors Association (SAA)

Northern Ireland

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