
Bus stations and park and rides

Valuation Office Agency

May 7
13:58 2024

This instruction applies to all bus stations and park and ride facilities.

2. List Description and Special Category Code

Bus Stations

List Description: Bus Station and Premises

Scat Code 036, Suffix S

Park and Ride

List Description: Park and Ride and Premises

Scat Code 040 Suffix S

3. Responsible Teams

This is a specialist class and responsibility for valuation will lie with the specialist teams within the business units. Queries of a complex nature arising from the valuation of individual properties should be referred to the NVU class facilitator via the class co-ordination team (CCT).

4. Co-ordination

The Civics Team (NVU) has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of this class. The team are responsible for the approach to and accuracy and consistency of valuations for bus stations/park and ride facilities. The team will deliver practice notes describing the valuation basis for revaluation and provide advice as necessary during the life of the rating list. Caseworkers have a responsibility to:

*follow the advice given at all times

*not depart from the guidance given on appeals or maintenance work without approval from the co-ordination team

*seek advice from the co-ordination team should any issues arise that are not covered in this instruction.

Scottish and Newcastle (Retail) Limited v Williams (VO) 2000 RA 119 and the subsequent Court of Appeal decision - Williams (VO) v Scottish and Newcastle Retail and Allied Domecq 2001 - rebus sic stantibus

Dawkins (VO) v Royal Leamington Spa BC and Warwickshire County Council [1961] RVR 291 - Per Sir William-Fitz-Gerald To assess land as a school as if it were land used for some other purpose would be a violation of the principle of rebus sic stantibus

Westminster City Council v Southern Railway Co [1936] AC511 - Unit of assessment

6. Survey Requirements

6.1 Basis of Measurement

The basis of measurement to be adopted for bus stations and park and ride facilities is Gross Internal Area (GIA) of all buildings/shelters and canopies (see VO Code of Measuring Practice for Rating Purposes), plus the area of all hard surfacing and total site area.

7. Survey Capture

7.1 Bus stations

All buildings (offices/concourses) to be measured GIA. It is important the specification of the concourse is noted, especially where the structure incorporates a high proportion of glass and/or it is of irregular shape here it of particular importance to capture the extent and profile of curved or shaped walls.

Concourse buildings will typically include: passenger waiting and seating area, public toilets, stairwell/s and lift/s, staff WCs and showers, information desks, travel shop, offices, stores, plant room, internal walkways, drivers mess room/canteen and kitchen, attached cantilever (but not any other type) canopies. These should all be measured to one GIA (noting the presence or not of attached cantilever canopies).

Other canopies, such as umbrella, standalone and those not attached or linked to the main building should be measured separately to GIA. The presence of lighting, passenger seating and notice boards should be noted.

With regard to bus shelters the survey should record whether they are open or enclosed and specify the nature of construction (including whether they are of steel, aluminium or other construction and whether the roof is flat or domed) and make reference to provision of seating and artificial lighting.

All the bus station hard-standing should be identified and the total site area obtained (including landscaping). The survey should record whether the surfacing is tarmac or paved. It is likely it may be combination of the two.

Plant and machinery - record lighting columns, any CCTV and the presence and type of site boundaries/barriers.

7.2 Park and Rides

All buildings to be measured GIA with a description of building specification. All car parking land should be recorded and this split where part of the parking consists of Grasscrete or Grassprotecta and the remainder tarmac, concrete or block paving.

For park and rides it will also assist if occupancy rates can be obtained throughout the year to show average occupancy and peaks. Local Councils (often the operator) are a good source of information for occupancy rates and in many cases will have daily usage figures.

Plant and Machinery - Record all light

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