
Local authority and other maintained schools

Valuation Office Agency

August 29
15:40 2024

The hereditaments to which this section refers are as follows:

  • Community schools (often formerly described as County Schools), i.e. those provided and maintained by Local Education Authorities (LEAs) whether County Councils, Metropolitan Boroughs or London Boroughs.
  • Voluntary schools, i.e. those provided by other bodies, usually religious bodies, but maintained by LEAs.
  • Foundation schools where the governing body employs the schools staff and has primary responsibility for admission arrangements. The schools land and buildings are owned by the governing body or by a charitable foundation. Many of these schools were formerly grant maintained schools. A new type of Foundation school will be known as a Trust school and will be supported by a charitable trust.
  • State funded Academies are technically independent schools with greater freedoms regarding the teaching of the National Curriculums but are operated in close conformity with LEAs and for rating valuation purposes should be treated in the same way as the schools in the above categories.
  • Free schools, including Studio schools, are a type of Academy. They can be located in a variety of buildings, including converted offices, in addition to purpose-built school buildings. Each should be considered individually and referred to NVU Class Lead for advice to determine if this section or Rating Manual: Private and independent schools should be followed.

For the benefit of doubt this section does not refer to University technical colleges and City technical colleges (see Rating Manual: Colleges of further education). Nor does it include either LEA operated stand-alone nursery schools or independent day nurseries (see Rating Manual Day nurseries, nursery schools and other day care facilities for under fives).

It does apply to LEA run special schools (where not exempt), sixth form colleges, and primary (including nursery elements), middle, secondary (comprehensive and grammar), and all through schools, i.e. catering for pupils in the age range 3-16 (or 18) be they provided and maintained by the LEA or be they state funded academies. Due to their varied nature free schools should be considered on a case-by-case basis with advice from NVU Class Lead. This section is also applicable to pupil referral units (but design size criteria is not applicable) unless that unit is located within a building for which evidence exists to support a valuation based on the rental/comparative method.

2. List description and special category code

List Description: School and Premises

SCat Code159: Suffix G

3. Responsible teams

This is a generalist class and responsibility for valuation will lie with the appropriate business unit. Queries of a complex nature arising from the valuation of individual properties should be referred to the National Valuation Unit (NVU) Class Lead via the Class Co-ordination Team (CCT).

4. Co-ordination

NVU Civic Team has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of this class. The CCT are responsible for the approach to and accuracy and consistency of valuations. The CCT will deliver Practice Notes describing the valuation basis for revaluation and provide advice as necessary during the life of the rating lists. Caseworkers have a responsibility to:

  • Follow the advice given at all times.
  • Not depart from the guidance given on appeals or maintenance work without approval from the co-ordination team.
  • Seek advice from the co-ordination team should any issues arise that are not covered in this instruction.

Schools are a suigeneris class and consequently, as a general rule, only evidence relating to hereditaments in the same mode or category of use is pertinent. See:

  • Scottish and Newcastle (Retail) Ltd v Williams (VO) (RA 2000 P 119) and the subsequent Court of Appeal decision Williams (VO) v Scottish and Newcastle Retail and Allied Domecq [RA 2001 P 41)
  • Re the appeal of Reeves (VO) RA 2007 P168
  • Dawkins (VO) v Royal Leamington Spa BC and Warwickshire County Council (1961) RVR 291.

See Rating Manual Section 2 Part 7 Appendix 2 thereof for guidance on mode and category of use at the material day.

6. Survey Requirements

6.1 Method of Measurement

There is virtually no arms-length open market rental evidence in this sector and as a consequence property within this class will normally be assessed using the contractors basis of valuation. Measurement should be to Gross Internal Area (GIA) as defined in the Valuation Office Code of Measuring Practice.

6.2 Description

The nature of the state education system will vary from one (LEA) area to the next but is commonly arranged in age ranges with nursery schools serving the 34-year age group, primary normally 4/5 to 11 (sometimes divided into infant and junior) and secondary 11-16 (or 18 if a sixth form is incorporated). However, some LEAs have Middle schools in their area which cater for the 8-12 or 9-13/14 age group. There is also a number of what is known as all-through or allage schools which cater for pupils from age 3 to age 16/18.

Increasingly schools are converting to self-governing academy status with approximately 82% of secondary schools and approximately 43% of primary schools having academy status in January 2024. Within a few LEA areas selective education in the form of grammar schools still exists.

The size and specification of buildings and ancillary sports facilities will vary according to the type of school concerned.

6.3 Requirements

  1. Unit of Assessment

The principles referred to in

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